Guide to Federal Pharmacy Law (Reiss, Guide to Federal Pharmacy Law)

This NEW 2010 BEST SELLER is a comprehensive, easy-to-study guide to current federal pharmacy law. It is designed to help you review the most important federal statutes and regulations, including the newest changes in the Patient Protection and Affordable Health care Act of 2010 (also known as the Health Care Reform Bill of 2010), Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS), Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Program guidelines, Medicare Part D, the Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS), new rules for prescribing and dispensing drugs that have restricted distribution systems, the Methamphetamine Anti-proliferation Act (MAPA), new HIPAA regulations, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), modified requirements for labeling herbal products, and much more. This book is designed to assist candidates in preparing for pharmacy law examinations in all states. Also includes over 350 practice federal law questions and answers.
Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings (South-Western Legal Studies in Business Academic Series)

- Compare and Contrast: Stretch students' critical-thinking skills by evaluating business decisions in the readings, and asking them to consider both ethical and unethical responses.
- Apply Acquired Skills: Draw upon the author's vast business and educational experience with an impressive assortment of examples from real-world ethical dilemmas, immoral choices, and highly principled decisions. Sources include newspapers, business journals, and Professor Jennings' own professional experiences as a consultant and board member.
- Customize Your Course Material: Cases from previous editions are available in the Ethics Collections Database on, and can be used to easily customize products to meet your particular needs.
- Broad Experience: Applying ethical principles in a business setting is an essential skill that the best managers master over time. This text helps students develop that ability earlier, before they enter the workplace, by drawing on the author's teaching and business experience and sharing a cross section of real-world ethical dilemmas, immoral choices, and highly principled decisions. Sources include newspapers, business journals, and Professor Jennings' own professional experiences as a consultant and board member.
- Compare and Contrast: Develop better critical-thinking skills by evaluating business decisions throughout the text, and considering both ethical and unethical responses to each question.
Packed with real-life examples of business decisions gone awry, the 7th Edition of BUSINESS ETHICS: CASE STUDIES AND SELECTED READINGS explores the complex issues of business ethics from the leaders' perspectives. This best-selling text offers a rare collection of readings which examines the business decision-making processes of many types of leaders, while revealing some of the common factors that push them over ethical lines they might not otherwise cross. A combination of short and long cases, readings, hypothetical situations, and current ethical dilemmas, BUSINESS ETHICS: CASE STUDIES AND SELECTED READINGS provides a stimulating and thorough basis for evaluating business ethics, and encourages stronger values in future business leaders.
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